Breaking News

for People With High Blood Sugar!

“Dad, call 911 now...

Mom just passed out and is on the floor!”

Mary’s husband and children had been worrying about her health. 

She had been gaining weight and sleeping more. 

And then, one Saturday afternoon,

she just collapsed!

Her head smacked down on the kitchen floor so hard… It shook the entire house. 

It woke her son out of bed, who found her lying on the floor helpless. 

The son screamed out to his dad, who ran into the house and dialed 911 in a panic. 

The ambulance arrived and rushed her to the hospital. 

When she woke up in a hospital bed, the first words she heard were: 

“Hello Mary, my name is Dr. Horowitz, how are you feeling?”

After listening to Mary, the doctor said: 

“We got all the results back, and they confirmed you had a stroke.” 

“A stroke?

How could I have a stroke?” 

“Well, Mary, one thing a lot of people don't know is many strokes are caused by high or erratic blood sugar, and your blood sugar is high.  

In fact, none of the other test results tell me your stroke was caused by anything else except blood sugar.

I remember your brother had high blood sugar, too.

And I remember his heart attack and how, even now… He has trouble walking and talking.

I don’t want you to end up like him.” 

Maybe you know someone like Mary... Or maybe you're just worried about your OWN blood sugar.  

Either way, I'm going to show you how Mary turned everything around.  

Her secret?

A new blood sugar discovery from Boston University Diabetes Department... 

is sending shock waves through the blood sugar community.

It increases the amount of a little-known “super enzyme” in your body… That researchers have found to be very low in people who have high blood sugar. 

Johns Hopkins, Yale University and Stanford University… 

Have all published studies about this discovery, showing how it works. 

Over 20 thousand men and women like you have used this at-home natural solution… To finally break free from the awful worry, weight gain, fatigue… And other health problems that blood sugar causes. 

This natural discovery is new and different… And it flies in the face of what you’ve been told about how to have healthy blood sugar levels. 

What's more...

It's an all-natural at-home solution that costs just pennies a day…

This overlooked but proven glucose stabilizer comes from a tiny white flower herb.  

And it just might be the real reason you struggle with out-of-control blood sugar.  

It is not cinnamon or berberine or anything you’ve heard of.  

But most doctors (even alternative doctors) ignore it completely.

This tiny white flower saved Mary from the blood sugar nightmare her brother suffered from… 

And it can also give YOU normal blood sugar levels soon… With no prescription drugs, no crazy diet or exercise program, and without the need to give up the foods you love!

This discovery means you, too, can now: 

  • STOP the devastation of your body and stress to your family…
  • RESET your energy switch so you are not so tired anymore…
  • DEFEAT your problem and get slimmer and sexier again…
  • END the crippling worry and anxiety about coma, amputation, heart event, paralysis, blindness, dementia or ending up in a nursing home…
  • GET relief from cravings for sweets, being thirsty, aches and pains, being sick and burning and tingling in your extremities… AND
  • SAVE your family tens of thousands of dollars of hard-earned savings in medical costs!

Look, I know it sounds hard to believe, but this is PROVEN to have diminished blood sugar levels for over 20,000 men and women, of all ages and health situations right now…  

People just like you.

Like Ron Templeton from Missouri who said:  

“My blood sugar went down 124 points in only four months and no more meds or their side effects for me.”

And Linda Bryant, who said,

“I was very skeptical, but this white flower herb lowered my blood sugar more than all the other things I’ve tried over the years, and I lost 37 pounds and also have more energy.”

My name is Robert Antwen, and I have been a medical researcher for the last 26 years. 

I am going to reveal the name of this tiny white flower… And tell you how it can manage your blood sugar in just a moment …

I’ll also reveal how a delicious type of chocolate… Yes, chocolate, can even decrease your blood sugar… And the hidden and very serious dangers that nobody else will tell you about Metformin, a common prescription drug for blood sugar. 

But first, I want to quickly finish Mary’s story, and tell you what happened after her stroke from having high blood sugar.

Dr. Horowitz said to Mary in an icy, matter-of-fact voice: 

“Mary, I want to put you on a prescription drug for your blood sugar, but I need to warn you in advance to expect some side effects.” 

Mary was rather shocked.

“I don’t know. I’m skeptical of drugs. I’d like to study the facts and my other natural options.”

Dr. Horowitz was stunned.

He explained that Mary’s high blood sugar levels could lead to another stroke or heart attack soon… 

Or even amputation of her foot!

He wanted to prevent this.

He wasn’t crazy about the effectiveness of blood sugar drugs… And didn’t like their side effects, but he didn’t know of a better solution. 

But Mary wasn’t sold.   

Mary hadn’t risen to become the Falls School District principal… By not looking into all the options before making a decision.   

So Mary told the doctor she would call him soon with any questions and her decision. 

Mary knew she had to do something different to reduce her blood sugar levels…

Because she didn’t want to suffer the horror that her brother Frank did.

You see, Mary’s brother kept getting prescribed more and more blood sugar prescription drugs…

Then he’d get more side effects from them, and the doctors would prescribe even MORE drugs to try to cover up these side effects. 

And two years ago, he had a heart attack while on these drugs… 

And it destroyed his life and made his wife's and kids' lives very depressing and difficult because they had to constantly help him walk and talk. 

And he still wound up in a nursing home, wasting away day by day. 

Mary will never forget these harrowing words from her brother… 

“Mary, you are my sister, and I love you, so don’t be dumb like me. Control your blood sugar now so you don’t have a heart attack and have trouble walking and talking like I do.” 

Mary didn't want to end up sad and isolated like her brother's life turned out to be from high blood sugar. 

But how could she not suffer this same fate? 

How could she safely decrease her own blood sugar levels?

For two frustrating years, Mary had tried to diet and exercise her way to a healthy blood sugar level… 

She ate healthily… Low cal… Low carb… Low sugar… 

She avoided the Ben and Jerry’s ice cream she loved so much… 

And she was active and walked almost every day. 

She had even joined an exercise class at Planet Fitness three times a week and never missed a session. 

And after all this sacrifice and deprivation… Mary went and got her blood sugar checked… And it only dropped from 328 to 293. 

And her A1C only dropped from 12.2 to 10.5.

“Nothing is working!”

Mary would say in anger and frustration. 

“#!*#!*#! My blood sugar levels barely went down at all!” 

And if this wasn’t bad enough… Mary was also 45 pounds overweight, and constantly felt tired... 

And like she was carrying a 100-pound weight on her back all the time. 

But Mary told her best friend Andrea that these physical problems were not even the worst part.

You see, Mary had a wonderful and loving husband of 16 years.

And she felt like she was not a good wife anymore, because she didn’t have the energy to go hiking with him around Honeycutt Falls like he loved to do… 

Or go golfing with him at Pinecrest Valley, which he also loved. 

And Mary worried about how attractive she was to her husband, since she basically had no extra energy for him and was quite overweight. 

She also worried that, secretly, he was not proud of her...

Or even disappointed in her. 

And Mary also had two children she loved more than life itself. 

And Mary felt like a failure to them as well, because she didn’t have the energy or fitness to help them with their schoolwork or to play soccer with them… 

Or be a healthy role model for her kids like she wanted to be.

In short,

she felt ashamed and was feeling very low.

Mary was truly at her wit’s end.

So, one fateful night, she drove off without telling anyone and went to her church. 

She knelt down on the thick red leather stool at the altar, and asked God for help. 

She asked if God could lead her to the solution to her blood sugar problem, so she could get back to healthy blood sugar levels and a normal life… 

Because she knew that once she did this, she would lose the weight and gain back the energy she had lost. 

You can call what happened next whatever you wish, whether it be God’s hand or fate… But only a few days later, Mary was watching the TV news… And I was being interviewed on that Channel 7 TV news program, about how to manage your blood sugar levels

I don’t know if it was a miracle or not… But, after the show, Mary researched me and found out that she and I were located in the same state. 

So she called and asked if she could make an appointment to see me.

A few weeks later, Mary drove 117 miles and came to my office… 

And I told her about the tiny white flower that researchers at Boston University Diabetes Center had discovered, that naturally decreased blood sugar levels... And reduced blood sugar with NO need for a crazy restrictive diet or exercise program either… 

And how, with it, she did not have to give up her favorite foods that she loved so much. 

And don’t we all love our favorite foods?

So, right now, I bet you, like Mary, are wondering, what is this tiny white flower

And how does it decrease your blood sugar levels, right?

Okay, here are the exciting details…

Dr. Neil Ruderman and his colleagues at the highly respected Boston University, recently published jaw-dropping research that shook the blood sugar community like being hit by a bolt of lightning. 

Here’s what they discovered, and why it is the solution you’ve been praying for.

There's an enzyme in your body called

AMP-activated Protein Kinase

(AMPK for short).

This is a superstar enzyme.

That's because the levels of this AMPK enzyme in your body determine your metabolism level 

And this determines your blood sugar level

Research from Johns Hopkins, Yale University and Stanford University confirms this. 

Here’s the bottom line…

If you have high levels of AMPK, your blood sugar level will be healthy and normal.

High AMPK equals healthy blood sugar.

Why is this?

Because AMPK is a glucose stabilizer.

  • It spurs your pancreas to make insulin.
  • It orders your cells to accept sugar from your bloodstream.  
  • It makes your blood sugar stay in a healthy balance without crashes or spikes… Because it ensures that the sugar inside your cells is burned off to give you energy like it is supposed to. 

But this is where you have a very big problem now.

You see, people with blood sugar problems and people who are overweight do not have the high levels of AMPK they need. 

And, to make this situation even worse… Your already low AMPK levels drop like a rock as you age. 

So your low AMPK levels are a key reason you have high blood sugar. 

In fact, Boston University Researchers concluded that… 

“The findings presented in this review strongly suggest a close link between AMPK and insulin resistance¹…” 

I call this condition

“low glucose syndrome.” 

Now that this link has been established beyond any doubt, we need to ask the key question... What is the solution?

Yes, you are right: Boost your AMPK levels. 

But how do you do this?   

Well, that’s the great news I have for you today. 

You see, my research team and I pored over 1,340 studies… To find the handful of herbs that can boost your AMPK levels the most with complete safety. 

If you ignore this message and do not take these herbs, you may never overcome the low glucose syndrome that is causing your high blood sugar.

Because other remedies you’ve tried did NOT address this low glucose syndrome. 

They never really had a chance to work for you. 

With these herbs, you can soon have normal and healthy blood sugar levels.   

And not only that, watch how quickly this automatically causes you to lose weight and have more energy, too.

The first herb you should be taking daily...

Is the superstar tiny white flower herb.

According to Greek mythology, the legendary hero Achilles ate this herb regularly. In folk medicine, it is considered a great remedy for lowering blood sugar levels. 

What’s more, it is approved by the British Herbal Pharmacopoeia and the German Commission E.

New research from Johns Hopkins, Yale University and Stanford University shows how this natural glucose flower named Yarrow works for healthy blood sugar levels, too.² 

In diabetic mice, this white flower herb reduced blood sugar levels and insulin resistance.  It also increased insulin production and prevented damage and complications from free radicals.  

In diabetic subjects, it protected the cells in the pancreas that release insulin by blocking inflammation. 

The extracts of two close relatives also improved diabetes in subjects by lowering blood sugar levels and protecting pancreatic cells.

It lowers blood sugar levels because it contains a compound called Inuline.  

This helps the glucose in the bloodstream and supplies the cells with the amount of glucose they need. 

It controls blood sugar.  

It slows digestion, including the digestion of carbohydrates.

This allows sugar to be released slowly, without spiking, which promotes healthy blood sugar levels.

The second nutrient I plead to you to take now…

Is the little-known and overlooked mineral, Manganese.

Manganese plays a very important role in regulating your blood sugar. 

It is considered an essential nutrient, because the body requires it to function properly. 

Multiple studies show people with diabetes have lower Manganese blood levels. 

It is heavily concentrated in the pancreas.  

It’s involved in the production of insulin, which removes sugar from your blood.  

Manganese has a variety of functions that can regulate blood sugar levels in your body.³

The next nutrient I highly recommend you take daily is Biotin.

This is an incredible micronutrient your body needs to turn the carbohydrates, fats and proteins you consume into energy… To give you these amazing results. 

A study published in the Journal of Clinical Biochemistry and Nutrition showed a higher dose of this daily for 30 days reduced fasting blood sugar levels up to 45% in type 2 diabetic patients⁴. 

Think about that ─ a 45% reduction in blood sugar levels… That’s almost cut in half! 

The fourth nutrient you should take to help manage your blood sugar is

L Taurine. 

There is a lot that we researchers still don’t know about this mysterious nutrient…

But what we DO know is this... A study published in 2019 in the journal Biomolecules shows that L Taurine has an active role in providing glucose homeostasis.

It also shows that diabetes causes a decline in L Taurine levels⁵. Medical News Today reported a study investigating the effects of L Taurine on glucose and fat metabolism in diabetic subjects.

Those who were fed a Taurine-supplemented diet for 12 weeks, showed the following improvements compared to those who received the placebo:

  • Reduced glucose levels…
  • Improved insulin resistance…
  • Reduced cholesterol levels.

So, here’s the bottom line …

These 4 nutrients are “The Big 4” you absolutely must take each day

If you want to attain healthy blood sugar levels.

But these are just the tip of the iceberg.

You see, throughout my 26 years of research… I’ve also found 15 more nutrients that all show great benefits when it comes to lowering blood sugar levels. 

These ingredients are...

  • Juniper Berry
  • Banaba Leaf
  • Guggul
  • Bitter Melon
  • Licorice
  • Cinnamon
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Zinc
  • Chromium
  • White Mulberry
  • Cayenne Fruit
  • Alpha Lipoic Acid
  • Gymnema Sylvestre

Now, let’s finish Mary’s story…

Because, like you, she needed to lower her blood sugar level fast

Mary was a smart woman.    

She had educated herself and risen to become a school principal.   

So, after she heard about these nutrients and the studies I showed her, she was very excited and immediately wanted to start taking them. 

I told Mary that the easiest thing would be for me to recommend a supplement she could just buy from Amazon, or at a store that contained all these ingredients in the proper dosages. 

So I looked all over the internet for a supplement that had all these ingredients in the right dosages.  

But I could not find even one that came close. 

So I spent days going from one store to another scouring the shelves… And I still couldn't find one supplement that was even close to my high standards. 

Lord, was I frustrated! 

At that point, I felt like giving up.

But, luckily, I was talking to an old professor…

And he recommended a company that sourced from thousands of the best nutrients money could buy

They saw the need for this supplement and worked hand-in-hand with me, to formulate a supplement with all 19 ingredients I recommended in the appropriate dosages! 

It was a long and difficult process, and we kept failing and almost gave up numerous times… 

But, finally, on our 22nd attempt, we succeeded. 

And I told Mary about this perfect blood sugar supplement named…


It contains all 19 of the best 100% natural ingredients, designed to quickly get your blood sugar levels into the normal and healthy range.

So not only will your blood sugar be stable, but you will lose 20, 40 or even 60 or more pounds… 

And you will no longer suffer from the crushing fatigue that burdens your days and nights.

And the beauty is, this supplement is safe to take with no side effects… 

And it is non-addictive… and non-stimulating… 

It is manufactured in a GMP-certified and FDA-compliant facility right here in the United States… Meaning that every single capsule of Type2Defense™ is made safely to the highest of standards. 

Additionally, every single batch of Type2Defense™ is sent to an independent third-party laboratory… Where they analyze the ingredients to ensure that what's seen on the label is what’s actually inside. 

In just a moment, I’ll tell you how you can try Type2Defense™ on a guaranteed-results basis… Free of any risk and also at a huge discount savings that will make your jaw drop.  

But first, here’s what Janet Caulfer, from Denver, Colorado, had to say: 

“I never thought I’d say this, but my dear doctor of 30 years was wrong. I did not need prescription drugs. My A1C is down from 10.2 to 6.8 from better eating and this amazing supplement that I will always take.” 

Mark Turcott, Jr., from Birmingham, Alabama, told us: 

“My wife says I’m an entirely new man now, thanks to Type2Defense™.  My blood sugar is way down, I’ve lost a ton of weight, even though I have more to go, and my energy has increased.

She even says I’m a more ‘fun’ husband now… if you get my drift… and I don’t need the ED little blue pill anymore, either. Get it, guys!” 

Suzanne Everett, from Phoenix, Arizona, had this to say about Type2Defense™:

“I thought I was doomed to have diabetes and its terrible effects for the rest of my life. None of the prescription drugs, diets or supplements worked for my blood sugar.

Needless to say, I was very skeptical about Type2Defense™ and really didn't think it would work, but it has been the ONLY thing that has worked for me and lowered my blood sugar levels. God bless you and this natural supplement!”

With results like these, uou can imagine Type2Defense™ has already become a very fast seller, even though it is pretty new… 

And this herbal supplement sells out within just days as soon as a new shipment comes in.

This makes sell-outs and out-of-stocks a very common occurrence…

And I don’t want people like you who are suffering to miss out.

So I made sure the company set aside a small number of bottles… For people seeing this now to get their own supply of Type2Defense™ today.

That’s because my mission in life is to help as many people as I can… To have healthy blood sugar levels and lose their belly fat…   

Just like I did for Mary and thousands of other people I've helped… To be happier and more active people for themselves and for the people they love.

I just don’t want to see any man or woman suffer anymore when they no longer need to.

Taking Type2Defense™ couldn’t be any easier.

You just take 1 capsule a day with food anytime that's most convenient for you. 

You will start getting benefits on day 1… And the longer you take the nutrients in Type2Defense™, the more your blood sugar will go down and stay in the healthy range. 

That’s because the natural nutrients in this supplement… Take time to build up enough in your bloodstream to have their full effect. 

So, the longer you take Type2Defense™… 

  • The better your blood sugar levels will be... 
  • The more trim and fit you will be… 
  • And the more vim and vigor you will have.

It’s for all of these reasons that I personally recommend choosing at least a 4-month supply for the absolute optimal health possible. 

Now, to keep the price low, we only sell direct.  

That means Type2Defense™ is not available on any other website or on Amazon.   

It is only available on this website.  

And given its popularity, it might not be available for long, especially since the manufacturer is struggling to keep up with demand.

Now, here’s the great news about the price I was telling you about.

If you bought the herbs in Type2Defense™ separately… You would be spending at least $140.00 a month… And you still would not be getting nearly the same quality as there is in this supplement.

That’s why normally Type2Defense™ sells for $120.00 a bottle.

But right now… and through this website only… You can take home Type2Defense™ today at a major discount.

Unlike other blood sugar solutions, Type2Defense™ has NO known side effects… Which is a huge relief to so many customers, because they love knowing they don’t have to worry about nasty side effects.

When considering all of that, $120 for Type2Defense™ would really be a fair deal…

Plus, there are all the benefits money can’t buy, like… 

  • Losing your belly fat and 20, 40 or even 60 pounds or more, and faster than ever before, for that special event or time of year coming up inyour life. 
  • And starting each day full of energy…
  • And feeling healthier and happier than you have in countless years… 

Thinking of all of this…  $120 for a month’s supply seems like a true bargain to me.

Yet, despite all of that… You won’t pay anywhere NEAR the regular price of $120 for a bottle of Type2Defense™.

That’s because, like I said before… My goal is not to make money, but to save people from the pain and suffering Mary and thousands of other people have to go through.

I want to help as many people as I can, and the team behind Type2Defense™ couldn’t agree more…

Which is why, when you click and order right now, you can get your very own bottle of Type2Defense™, for a one-time investment...

...of just $69.95…

Which is almost 50% off the regular price, as part of the “Healthy Life Campaign.”

But that’s just the beginning.

I realize that many people may want to keep taking Type2Defense™ for a long time… And the fact that there really are limited supplies available… I can understand why they’d want to stock up on 4 bottles of Type2Defense™ today. 

It’s for this reason that our team has created a substantially discounted multi-bottle plan…

Where folks can stock up and save on 4 bottles of Type2Defense™

For just $49.95 per bottle!

Which is a total savings of $280.00 when you order right now! 

What an incredible bargain, isn’t it?

But this special discount is only being offered through this website. 

And there’s more good news…

As part of this “Healthy Life Campaign”... The company is going to give FREE shipping and handling today… Which is a $9.95 value.

But both the discount and the free shipping are guaranteed for today only… And only while supplies last.

So choose the 4-bottle package (or any other package) below…

And secure an order today while there are supplies in stock!



Regular Price: $120.00


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After choosing a package… You will be redirected to a 100% secure and encrypted checkout page.

This is the same high security that your bank and Amazon use… So there’s nothing to worry about.

There’s a simple order form to fill out… And after that… An order of Type2Defense™ will be on its way to you.

And will arrive within 5 business days.

So, looking at the facts…

This is one of the smallest yet important investments you will ever make for your health... 

Something that will not only end your blood sugar problem once and for all, but will also make you a healthier, slimmer, happier and more active person.

And that means soon, you can start living your best life again… The life you were MEANT to be living.

A single bottle of Type2Defense™ puts you on the path to this better life.

And with 4 bottles of Type2Defense™… You are setting yourself up to be enjoying a more carefree life for many years to come.

So go ahead and choose a package of Type2Defense™ now while there are still supplies in stock…

And enjoy the peace of mind that comes with supporting your health today!



Regular Price: $120.00


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But here’s why this investment should be so easy to make:

Your investment today is also covered by a 90-day 100% money-back guaranteeWith no fine print and no questions asked!

Here’s how it works…

Right now, just click on the button and place your order… You are just saying “maybe” to Type2Defense™.

Then, once you get your bottles in a few short days from now… Start taking your 1 small capsule a day… And see how you feel. Most of Type2Defense™ loyal customers fall in love with how great it works!  

There really is ZERO risk because of this guarantee…

And if, for some reason, Type2Defense™ isn’t working out as well as you want… Just call or email our award-winning, U.S.-based customer service team 24/7…    

And they’ll send you a refund immediately…

  • No questions…  
  • No hassles…
  • No hard feelings.

It’s a 100% risk-free investment that comes with tons of health benefits… And there’s a full 90 days (3 full months) to see if Type2Defense™ is right for you.

Doesn’t it make sense to feel and experience Type2Defense™ as a part of the decision-making process?

Then why not think it over while trying Type2Defense™... Since there’s no risk?

Plus, we’ll do something absolutely crazy…

Not only will you get all your money back… But we’ll also give you an additional $100 just for giving it an honest try! (No joke). 

I know it sounds like we’ve lost our minds, but we’re not kidding around. 

If you’re not happy with it for any reason at all…. We’ll give you every single penny back… PLUS another $100... even if you use the entire bottle. 

That’s how confident we are that our solution works.

PhytAge Labs is trusted by over 800,000 customers around the globe...

And we have a reputation for being obsessive when it comes to quality control and testing.

Each of our products is made in a Good Manufacturing Practices facility, has been certified by GMP for quality and sanitation, and is regularly tested for potency by the FDA. 

We make sure every ingredient we source is tested thoroughly before use. 

This way, we ensure that every part of Type2Defense™… Is of absolute quality so that you never have to wonder.

We believe that it’s extremely important to make sure that...

Each bottle of Type2Defense™ has exactly what it says on the label.

No more. No less.

It’s pretty standard for us to dip into our own profits to ensure the quality of every bottle.

Sure, we may not make as much money as we could…

But we know that you’ll be a customer for life. 

And this all-natural supplement will also save you thousands of dollars over the upcoming years. 

That’s because you won’t have to spend money on doctors’ visits and prescription drugs!

So go ahead and try Type2Defense™ today risk-free… And choose from one of the package options below right now…

To say “YES” to conquering your blood sugar and having a future without stomach-turning worry about the future of your health and what will happen to your family… And “YES” to living a happy, healthy and better life once again…

YES! It’s time to put my blood sugar under new management…

And secure my supply of Type2Defense™ now.



Regular Price: $120.00


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Just imagine a life free of worry about your blood sugar or your body weight…

A life in which you are healthy and trim enough to be the person you’ve always wanted to be for yourself and other people around you.

And you will now be known as the health expert that other people seek advice from.  

Yes, at work, events, online and social gatherings, people will ask YOU… 

Because you have managed your dangerous blood sugar levels… 

Lost your dangerous extra body fat and gained a world of new energy.

The tiny white flower I told you about, along with the 18 other ingredients in Type2Defense™, will overcome the low glucose syndrome… That is keeping you from having normal blood sugar levels now.  

Yes, Type2Defense™ will help you be as healthy and slim as when you were much younger.  

You will be more active, have more energy, be more productive… And be happier day in and day out.  

Best of all, it is all-natural with no side effects!

Now it’s time to make a decision…

Please don’t ignore all the proof you’ve seen, and continue to be a slave to your high blood sugar levels…

Not taking action now will change nothing… And it’s obvious that something must change here…

Because a life of constant suffering, worry, fatigue and frustration, where you are always worried about what you can and cannot eat… Your blood sugar levels are getting worse… And what that will mean for you and your family…

Like ending up in the hospital, needing to get your foot amputated…

Or being put into a nursing home against your wishes.

Well, that’s no life at all.

Especially now that I’ve shared the nutrients inside of Type2Defense™, and shown how powerful they are at managing blood sugar levels…

That’s why I want to make it easy to say “YES” to Type2Defense™ today…

So, go ahead and claim an order of Type2Defense™ by choosing from one of the packages below.

Remember, your investment is protected by a 90-day money-back guarantee… AND an additional $100 just for giving it an honest try! Which means there’s absolutely no risk to you in trying it out…

So, break free of frustration… And choose a package right now… And start living a better life.

Yes! I want to naturally end my problems by securing my supply of Type2Defense™ right now…

So I can enjoy my life more starting right away!



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Still there?


That means you probably have a question I can answer.  

So, here are a few of the most common questions I get and my answers to them.

Frequently Asked Questions 

1. Who is Type2Defense™ for? 

It is for any man or woman who wants to naturally get their blood sugar levels into the normal and healthy range… 

  • Regardless of their age...
  • Regardless of how high or erratic it is now...
  • Regardless of what they have tried before…
  • And regardless of whether or not they are currently on medication.

2.  How is Type2Defense™ different from other blood sugar products I’ve tried? 

Type2Defense™ contains the tiny white flower herb proven by Boston University… Along with 18 more nutrients that overcome your low glucose syndrome.  

This is just what you need and why other attempts to decrease your blood sugar have not worked for you in the past.

3.  What if I’m not happy with the results from taking Type2Defense™?

That’s the best part of all.

You risk nothing in ordering your supply now… Because you are fully protected by a 90-day, no questions asked, money-back guarantee… AND an additional $100 just for giving it an honest try!

So, if for some reason, Type2Defense™ isn’t working out, you will receive a full refund immediately.

It’s a 100% risk-free investment that comes with tons of health benefits. And there’s a full 90 days to see if Type2Defense™ is right.

So, click on the package of your choice and place your order right now…

Before you miss out on these big savings that are guaranteed today only.



Regular Price: $120.00


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Regular Price: $480.00


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